October 13th, 2022
We are each challenged to enroll in a $5 payroll deduction - that's less than the price of a cup of coffee, which has measurable impacts you can read about on the UA Cares Workplace Giving Campaign website.
Login to UAccess and click on the UACares tile in the Employee Home Page during the UA Cares campaign to sign up for automatic payroll deductions.
UA Campus Pantry
The goal of the Campus Pantry is to reduce food insecurity in our Wildcat Community, and to this end food drives are held throughout the year. A $5 recurring payroll deduction to the Campus Pantry could provide a student in need with 20 visits to the Campus Pantry, while a $15 recurring payroll deduction could provide a student in need with more than a year’s worth of weekly visits to the Campus Pantry.
UA Employee Emergency Fund
A $5 payroll deduction to the Employee Emergency Fund could pay the electric bill for a colleague in need, while a $15 deduction could help a struggling colleague pay their mortgage for 1 month.
United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona
A $5 recurring payroll deduction to the United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona could provide two elementary school students with twelve new books to encourage summer reading and reduce summer learning loss, while a $15 deduction could feed three families with young children experiencing a loss of income or benefits for one month.
SILLC Global Award
The School of International Languages, Literatures, & Cultures offers the SILLC Global Award for study abroad to students majoring in any of the SILLC disciplines. Donate Now
Please consider these or any of the other incredible charities on and off campus.